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Cradle Mountain - Tasmania (Continued)

First view of Cradke Mountain

As well as a birds eye view of Dove Lake, Marions Lookout also provides a first glimpse of Cradle Mountain.

At this distance, the enormity of the task (for those of lesser fitness) is not too apparent. So we press on, over a plain with pleasant views on both sides but every step increases the bulk of our main goal that looms in front of us.

Above: First glimpse of Cradle Mountain.
Right: Kitcheners Hut at the base of the mountain.

Ben is waiting for me at Kitcheners Hut at the base of the mountain. You can't stay overnight here, but it could be a refuge in an emergency.

According to the signs, it is a 2.5 hour journey from the hut to the top of Cradle Mountain and return - I'm tired already.

Ben presses on with me following. The track is easy enough at first, but then it degrades and you are clambering over shale and boulders, every step is up.

I use the excuse to take a photo to rest. My camera strap is looped over my shoulder but I store the camera in in my day pack as the climb becomes more difficult.

Kitcheners Hut

Regular visitors will know that I don't have much of a commercial nature on this site, but if you are looking for something a bit more comfortable than Kitcheners Hut, I can recommend Cradle Chalet at Moina, a short distance from the entry to the park. This is boutique luxury accommodation, but what makes this place extra special is the proprietors, David and Sue.

Towards Cradle Mountain

I loose sight of Ben over the rocks ahead but there is plenty of other company on the track. Those that are journeying on to Lake St Clair have left their backpacks at the base of the mountain. On a fine day, the park opens up as you climb the crag - another excuse to stop as you look at the view.

Almost at the top