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Marsala in Moderation

Inner city transport

One of the PLEASURES in life is friendship. Having a coffee or a wine with friends and talking about nothing - just idling away the time on a Sunday afternoon and basking in friendship - makes the tough things in life worthwhile.

Inner city transport (above).
The bicycle is ideal
for Marsala with its restricted
vehicle access. When your mates
are not around you can have
a stand-up coffee (right)
with the waiter.

The namesake wine of the Marsala region has probably helped lubricate a few friendships over the years.

Look for the age classification on the bottle:
'Fine' indicates a aging duration of one year prior to bottling;
'Superiore' indicates two years;
'Superiore Riserva' shows four years;
'Vergine' wine has been aged for five years;
and 'Vergine Soleras Stravecchio' for 10 years.

Cathedral cornice

The age labeling system gives you an idea of the appropriate use for the wine. 'Fine' is used extensively in the kitchen for adding to a wide variety of dishes. Marsala 'Superiore' and 'Vergine' are generally set aside for their drinking pleasure. Marsala is an excellent wine to have with deserts, sweet pastries with ricotta or cream fillings, and also with cheese.

The cornice of the Cathedral frames another of Marsala's marvelous domes.

See the ancient Carthaginian ship

Travelsnapz Italy

Marsala Postcard

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